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Basic Information

Genetics and Molecular Biology (formerly named Revista Brasileira de Genética/Brazilian Journal of Genetics - ISSN 0100-8455) is published by the Sociedade Brasileira de Genética (Brazilian Society of Genetics).


Genetics and Molecular Biology begins with vol. 21, issue 1, of March 1998, following the sequence of numbering of its predecessor, which was published from 1978 to 1997, V. 1 to V. 20 are hosted at the journal´s Editorial Office. Please contact us to get any published article within these twenty first volumes.


Genetics and Molecular Biology follows and Open-Access policy. Articles are made available in full content at SciELO (Scientific Library Online) hosted at  Back issues dating to 1998 are available through this site.


Articles published since 2009 are also indexed at PubMed Central, and there available as a full text version. 





The Journal considers contributions that present the results of original research in genetics, evolution and related scientific disciplines. Manuscripts presenting methods and applications only, without an analysis of genetic data, will not be considered. 


Manuscripts considered in conformity with the scope of the journal, judged by the Editor in conjunction with the Editorial Board, are reviewed by the Associate Editor and two or more external reviewers. Acceptance by the Editor is based on the quality of the work as substantial contribution to the field and on the overall presentation of the manuscript. 


It is a fundamental condition that submitted manuscripts have not been and will not be published elsewhere. With the acceptance of a manuscript for publication, the publishers acquire full and exclusive copyright for all languages and countries. 

The journal's short title is Genet. Mol. Biol., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.

There is a publication charge for manuscripts once they are accepted. 

Although Genetics and Molecular Biology is an official publication of the Brazilian Society of Genetics, contributors are not required to be members of the Society.

The publication charge for accepted manuscripts as of January 01, 2024 is:


  • US$ 1000 for manuscripts from abroad 

  • R$ 4.000,00 for manuscripts submitted from Brazil





Members-in-good-standing of the Sociedade Brasileira de Genética (SBG- before the submission date), who submit a manuscript to GMB as the corresponding author, are eligible for a 75% reduction of the publication charge (R$ 1000,00) for the first manuscript per year (12 months interval between submissions). For a second manuscript submission per 12 months by an SBG Member (as the corresponding author), the publication charge will be 50% of the full price. A full (100%) discount can be obtained for manuscripts where the first and last authors are both members-in-good-standing of the SBG (for at least 6 months before submission). This full discount will be applied only once every 12 months.


These special conditions for SBG members-in-good-standing apply as of December 1st, 2022.

GMB Metrics 

Impact Factor (2023) 2 years: 1.7; 5 years: 1.7. (JCR, Clarivates)

Citescore (2023) 4.2 (Scopus, Elsevier)

H-Index: 60

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Augusto Schrank

Marcia Pinheiro Margis


Assistant Editor

Klaus Hartfelder


Editorial Office
Cristina de Morais Cianci

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© 2022 por Eveli Alexandre

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